Adhesive Backing-Paper Cutter
Design Specifications
Capital Marketing Technologies, Inc. requires a device which will cut a slit in the backing paper of a thin adhesive tape product. The purpose of the slit is to allow for ease of peeling away the backing paper when the tape is to be used. The device must cut completely through the backing paper from one side to the other of the tape, but must not cut the tape itself. Some of the adhesive tape products, or pads, are double-sided and require slits in the backing paper on both sides. Others are one-sided.
The pads are either rectangular or kidney-shaped, as shown in the illustration below. Pad length and width dimensions range from approximately 2.4 x 3.5 in. to 4.5 x 4.5 in. for rectangular pads and are approximately 2 x 3.5 in. for kidney-shaped pads. Pad thickness, including backing paper, is approximately 0.015 in. Backing paper thickness is in the range 0.003-0.004 in. The cutter must be adjustable to accommodate the different pad and backing paper thicknesses.
Each pad is separate and must be individually inserted (fed, placed) into, the cutter. The rate of cutting shall be greater than or equal to 40 pads per minute or, in the case of double-sided pads requiring two cuts each, 20 pads per minute.
Bending the pad
to peel the backing paper Pad with slit in backing paper Kidney-Shaped Pad Rectangular Pad
initial adjustment of the cutter for the particular size pad to be cut, the cutter
shall slit the backing paper at the prescribed production rate with reject rate
of less than or equal to 5 % (i.e., no more than 5 damaged pads per 100).